#dearjlsd: AJ Galka-Gonyeau

#dearjlsd (1)To commemorate our 90th year in San Diego, JLSD provisional, active, and sustaining members, as well as former members and community partners, are writing love letters to the Junior League of San Diego.



I joined the league JLSD in 2009 when I moved down to San Diego for a new job opportunity. I only knew ONE person. Eventually in the first 6 months I made some friends who I worked with and some wonderful neighbors in my building. Still something was missing in my life…

Reflecting back, I yearned to be out in the community volunteering and making an impact on my days off and weekends. I wanted to find like-minded friendships that enjoyed the same. My aunt who lives up in Greenbrae suggested I find out about the local junior league as her and my mother were members many years ago. She joyfully shared that they both are still friends with many of the women they met in the league.


Soon after I searched online and nervously, RSVP’d (and went) to my first information session. After that, I was enthralled by that approachable room of women filled with such pure inspiration to serve the community! I applied the next day.


Since joining I have found how my work life (In a good way) overlaps with my JLSD life in so many amazing ways like networking and supporting each other with references or even job opportunities. Also, I have found some of the most brilliant, dedicated, beyond thoughtful friends a person could hope for!


Since my 6 years in the league I have been able to be a part of marketing (boutique), impact, membership connections, and now going on my 3rd year of training council. Each area of the league I dedicated my time to both gave me new friendships, new areas to serve the community and the league. For this I am forever grateful.


Most recently, I finally took the leap into leadership as VP-Elect last year and now I am VP of Training this year. With the honor of experiencing this role, I see how my approach within the council operations shapes each and every training council member’s personal connectedness of their league experience. Additionally, they get a chance to design and implement various comprehensive training opportunities offered to not only fellow members but also to the general public. At our council meetings and GMMs, I see they have opportunities to grow friendships and even translatable skills that they can use in their professional lives. I too, have found this in the league and I whole heartedly cannot wait for the years to come when I can look back and say I am a more impactful human to my community due to my precious time in the league.


Thank you JLSD for being that place to explore, learn, even fail sometimes, but at the end of the day do it alongside some of the best and brightest friends I know.

Gratefully Yours,
Training Development & Evaluation: Vice President, 2018-2019






#dearjlsd: Emily Green

#dearjlsd (1)To commemorate our 90th year in San Diego, JLSD provisional, active, and sustaining members, as well as former members and community partners, are writing love letters to the Junior League of San Diego.



I found out about Junior League in a funny way that is indicative to my bookworm-y nature. I was on the beach reading a book (and no, it wasn’t The Help) that noted the two main characters’ mothers had met in The Junior League. I had never heard of such an organization, so I Googled those three words that, little did I realize, would become such an important part of my life. Google took me straight to the JLSD webpage where I clicked around and instantly became intrigued by all that the organization offered. From that serendipitous afternoon, I was hooked, and so began my journey as a proud Junior Leaguer.


Between the training, leadership opportunities, service involvement, and sense of true community, Junior League has provided me with meaningful experiences that I could write about for volumes. I’ll spare the reader from that, but I will shed light onto how JLSD has provided me hope and empowerment to help me through my darkest time. In November 2016 my sister Kate, my very best friend, unexpectedly passed away due to an undetected heart condition. In an instant everything in my life reprioritized, including my responsibilities as a JLSD Board member, to be with my parents on the east coast. I was away from San Diego for two months and during that time, I heard from a Junior Leaguer at least once daily whether it be a text message, an email, a handwritten note, a bouquet of flowers, and even a pizza delivered from Brooklyn! When I returned to San Diego and JLSD, all of my responsibilities- both League-related and in my personal life- had been handled seamlessly by fellow League members. My family and I are eternally grateful for the support that we received from JLSD during the most difficult time in our lives.


Inspired by my sisters’ untimely passing and the realization that life is so short and precious, I took a risk by leaving my profession as a high school teacher to open a restaurant as a tribute to my sister – Sisters Pizza. I don’t think I would have had the confidence and I know I would not have had the leadership training to take such a risk without my experiences at JLSD and the ongoing support and empowerment from other Junior Leaguers.


JLSD has given me countless opportunities to serve the community, to receive valuable trainings, to be vulnerable, to take risks, and to become a leader, in sunshine and in rain. This is San Diego after all, and I am excited to see nothing but sunshine on the horizon.


With deepest gratitude to JLSD,

Emily Green

President Elect, 2019-2020


#dearjlsd: Libby Lopez

#dearjlsd (1)To commemorate our 90th year in San Diego, JLSD provisional, active, and sustaining members, as well as former members and community partners, are writing love letters to the Junior League of San Diego.
Dear JLSD,

Thank you.

Thank you for allowing me to grow as a woman.
Thank you for opening up my network to female professionals with a variety of skills and expertise!
Thank you for all of the volunteer shift opportunities where I can give back to the community.
Thank you for the laughs, tears, hugs, and long talks with amazing women.
Thank you for introducing me to powerhouse Community Partners like Joseph Travers of Saved in America, Kathryn Ashworth of Voices for Children, and Stephanie Ortega of Promises2Kids.

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Thank you for providing hundreds of new friends!
Thank you for opening my eyes to areas of need in the community that I would not have seen otherwise.
Thank you for the lessons learned as I attempt new things and develop new skills.
Thank you for the opportunity to meet dynamic political affiliates such as Congresswoman Susan Davis, District Attorney Summer Stephan, and Assemblymember Todd Gloria.
Thank you for giving me a creative outlet outside of my full time job.
Thank you for changing my life, and the lives of those around me.

I love you, JLSD.

Libby Lopez
Marketing Vice President, 2018-2019

#dearjlsd: Jane Fetter

#dearjlsd (1)To commemorate our 90th year in San Diego, JLSD provisional, active, and sustaining members, as well as former members and community partners, are writing love letters to the Junior League of San Diego.
Dear JLSD,
It was with a sense of wonder that I sat down to write this letter and realized it was 60 years ago this past spring that I received my invitation to join the Junior League of San Diego. I was a senior at Stanford University, married (which was highly unusual) and 20 years old. I was an economics major and my career counselor kept telling me I should be a pilot.
I joined the Junior League and it was the perfect graduate school. The provisional course in 1958 was a summer long intensive course about San Diego. Although I had lived here since I was two, I had never been to the police station, the court house, the department of Education and had never been aware of all the many needs of our city. It was an incredible education. Along with the places and stories I met the city’s most remarkable women.
During the year I learned how to run a meeting, how to become a leader of women and all about non-profit governance and By-laws. I also found the volunteer corps who would be by my side as I enjoyed serving the Junior League on committees, projects and the board. The Junior League provided me with memorable experiences at regional meetings and at 3 national conferences.
My year as President of the Junior League was a highlight of my life long career as a volunteer. The Junior League provided me with the tools to serve not only our community in many capacities but our state and our nation. It gave me the inner self confidence to tackle any challenge and to find the resources to do so. It also gave me the knowledge that I had to impress my children and grandchildren with the importance of “giving back”.
I love the Junior League of San Diego.
Jane Trevor Fetter
JLSD President 1970-1971
Sustainer since 1977



#dearjlsd: Janet Fall

#dearjlsd (1)To commemorate our 90th year in San Diego, JLSD provisional, active, and sustaining members, as well as former members and community partners, are writing love letters to the Junior League of San Diego.

Dear JLSD,

My most memorable placement in the 1980’s was a skin cancer awareness project. We accompanied dermatologists as part of an educational outreach program to the Over the Line Tournament (the perfect place to study skin), and the doctors screened for skin cancers on the spot. After the informative training and learning so much about the ABCDEs of skin cancer (Asymmetry, Border irregularity, Color not uniform, Diameter larger than a pencil eraser, and Evolving size, shape, or color), I enthusiastically shared the knowledge with the students and teachers at my school. Because of that knowledge, a friend saved her husband, the love of her life. After studying the information card I had brought to everyone’s attention, my friend noticed a questionable spot on her husband’s back. She encouraged him to have it checked, and it was diagnosed as melanoma. Doctors were able to catch the melanoma in time. Almost 40 years later, her husband is alive and well. That valuable Junior League project made a difference!

Janet Fall, JLSD Sustainer since 1991


#dearjlsd: Katie Quartuccio

#dearjlsd (1)To commemorate our 90th year in San Diego, JLSD provisional, active, and sustaining members, as well as former members and community partners, are writing love letters to the Junior League of San Diego.

Dear JLSD,

As a Fourth Generation San Diegian, I didn’t think there was much I was missing out on in town.  I joined with a friend as a way to give back to the community and volunteer in an organized manner and maybe network a bit.  Little did I know I would meet lifelong friends, develop my professional skill set through amazing training events, and also see a true impact in the lives of those less fortunate in our community.

The early mornings or long nights don’t even feel like work (even after a full day of my real work) when you get to spend them with like minded women creating lasting change for our community. Not to mention, we know how to have fun, whether it is goat yoga or trivia nights — every woman in the League has a healthy life outside of our volunteer work and we can lean on each other to provide balance.

Our meetings are so inspiring hearing from Rachel, Joni, other leaders in the League, and amazing guest speakers like Dr. Ken Blanchard –  I don’t even mind if I stay out past my early bedtime! It is in those meetings that I felt encouraged to apply for a leadership position even though I had only been in the league one year as a provisional.

That’s the thing about the Junior League of San Diego…it is a safe place to try new things, get out of your comfort zone, and discover new strengths. It is a comfortable place to ask questions, get advice, and engage in honest conversation.  It is amongst these women that I have found mentors and friends I would never have been able to meet otherwise. We were brought together having nothing in common except this passion for community and volunteerism but learned we share so much more!

While I am only in my first active year of JLSD, I cannot imagine my life without you. Thank you for a rich history and paving the way for us women now. Here’s to another 90 years (or more!) of all the wonderful things you do best!



Social Media Chair 2018-2019

#dearjlsd: Larissa South

#dearjlsd (1)To commemorate our 90th year in San Diego, JLSD provisional, active, and sustaining members, as well as former members and community partners, are writing love letters to the Junior League of San Diego.
Dear JLSD,
Three years in, and I already can’t imagine my life without you! All jokes aside, after transferring from another JL chapter, I am so lucky to have found the Junior League of San Diego. The women that comprise our league and their passion for giving back are truly impressive. I’ve been so lucky to be a leader in our Community Council where I witnessed first hand the thoughtfulness, down to earth go-get ’em attitude and open hearts the women have shared. Together we have made such an impact in San Diego, and I feel so honored to be a part of it.
Cheers to you and the next 90 years,
Larissa South
2018-2019 Nominating Chair Elect
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#dearjlsd: Darlene Davies, Sustainer

#dearjlsd (1)To commemorate our 90th year in San Diego, JLSD provisional, active, and sustaining members, as well as former members and community partners, are writing love letters to the Junior League of San Diego.
Of many fond memories of Junior League of San Diego, two are highlights for me.
The first was when I was the 2011 JLSD Charter Day Honoree at a beautiful luncheon on Harbor Island at Tom Ham’s Lighthouse. An account of that wonderful day will be found in the 2011 JLSD newsletter (now digitized and online at the JLSD website). I suspect Barbara Kramer was behind my selection as Honoree. I will be forever grateful. The Vice-President and Provost of SDSU, Dr. Nancy Marlin, and the Dean of SDSU Undergraduate Studies, Dr. Geoff Chase, completely surprised me by attending the luncheon. Libby Carson, Betty Peabody, Gladys Jones (now deceased due to a tragic accident in 2017) and so many other dear friends were there. Thank you JLSD for the joyful experience. The beautiful etched bowl I received that day has sat on my dining room table since 2011. It meant, and continues to mean, that much.

Charter Day 2016 featured the “Central Park Jogger,” Trisha Meili, in one of the most uplifting and inspirational speeches I’ve ever heard. She has no memory of the assault that resulted in years of surgical repair of her body and constant physical rehabilitation. Trisha has rebuilt her life, married, and re-established her professional career. In spite of all the physical and neurological damage she underwent, she is now a fully functioning woman with a purpose filled life. Trisha’s talk was about her long recovery, and did not address the controversial aspects of the criminal case, in particular the prosecution of young men who have now been exonerated. Her comments emphasized essential elements of support, hope, and endurance. I will forever be thankful to JLSD President Liza Pinard for providing a photo from that day, and also for arranging for Trisha to communicate with me ( didn’t ask). Liza was very thoughtful. Charter Day has presented numerous important speakers over the years, but, for me, listening to and meeting Trisha Meili was a highlight.

I joined as a Provisional in 1998, completing my Provisional year in spring, 1999. I was an Active member from 1999 through spring, 2006, then became a Sustainer in fall 2006. I joined JLSD as a Provisional when I was 59 years old, something I had wanted to do for my entire adult life. Many other obligations prevented my doing that until 1998. By that time, I’d chaired many large events, served on boards of directors of many large institutions and City of San Diego boards and a commission, and been honored as a Woman of Dedication (1989) by the Salvation Army. But, still, there was that longing to be a member of the Junior League. I wanted to do it right, to get it right. Up until that time, I’d done everything backward.


I made lifelong friends in JLSD, and actually accomplished even more once I was a member of the League. The work has never stopped.
Darlene Davies
JLSD Sustainer

#dearjlsd: 90 Love Letters for 90 Years

To commemorate our 90th year in San Diego, JLSD provisional, active, and sustaining members, as well as former members and community partners, are writing love letters to the Junior League of San Diego.

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Greetings! I am honored to serve as the 2018-19 President of the Junior League of San Diego! This year, we celebrate our League’s 90th year in San Diego, and we have big plans in store to celebrate this milestone year. To honor our League’s vibrant history, I am kicking off #dearjlsd, a campaign where 90 of our members, partners, and supporters share their own personal love letter to JLSD. Please share your own #dearjlsd love letter here.




What a ride! As I enter my tenth year as an active member of the Junior League of San Diego, I am filled with gratitude. I joined the League as a second-year law student seeking an outlet to give back between study breaks, and meet like-minded women outside of school. Now, more than a decade later, I have found my own community within San Diego– a community of women seeking to better themselves while making San Diego a better place. I am now an IP and business litigation partner here in San Diego, a supportive spouse to my husband, and the proud mother to a baby boy. I am consistently impressed by the accolades and experiences of the women of JLSD. Among us are doctors and business owners, mothers and activists, philanthropists and community organizers, survivors and caretakers. We have unique life experiences, but we all come “home” to 210 Maple Street to make our community a better place. I love the energy that comes from a group of women – each with their own stories and backgrounds – coming together for a common goal. And that goal is to develop our own potential, the potential of our fellow League members, and the potential of women on a broader platform. On a daily basis, the members of JLSD work together to solve problems, make (and learn from) mistakes, break convention, strive for better, dream bigger, empathize harder, and serve more compassionately. I don’t know where I would be if it weren’t for my time as a member of the Junior League. But I am certain that I would not be the leader, friend, partner, and mother that I am today.

I am grateful to lead such a dynamic organization, and look forward to celebrating our 90th year and beyond. The women of the Junior League rise by lifting and empowering one another. I am honored to support my fellow members, and eternally grateful for those who have supported me along the way.

In community spirit,

Joni Flaherty

President, 2018-19